Aggregating internal site

Unknown | 9:27 AM |

In the name of God the Merciful


Creating websites for search engines

No doubt you're tired of reading too much on techniques Suy but you did not find the secret that will make you fly positioned to reach it to the first page of a Google search , which will guarantee you a great number of visitors and therefore marketing your product and achieve electronic sales , applied frequently , but did not work so useful so you're tired of all this or reached your desperation to lose hope in you will complete this science , you are not alone there are many people suffering from the same problem ..

Today I will touch on this topic and will Ostfad it so I 'll make you satisfied and do not need to read any other topics , you 'll swear this Thread Tduenten , first you do you read now , and the second in a future blog post .. I will not dwell more

In Sioux techniques there are two parts, Sioux internal and external Suy , ie what needs to be done within the site and what needs to be done outside ..

Suy internal

I will talk today about Sioux procedure, first you must choose your keywords , and to do so Google offers tool enables you to select your keywords and may have brother Amir just an explanation of a comprehensive them find here keyword planner and focused on selected keywords competition is it weak or medium , do not choose keywords with high competition , and also make sure that the average number of galaxies research on the floor more than 1,000 searches in the month , and then work provided by Google in the search for each keyword individually and take a look at the first 3 sites appear in the result Search , which is a competitor to you, then note the keywords they use next to the word that you you make a search, then observing the page title and description semantic and even addresses topics, and this subject is way will take an idea of ​​what you should do , do not forget to Sioux is a race between you and your competitors who Ijmek them the same area that you have chosen for your positions , so you'll study your competitors so you can Outsmarting them .. Always remember to choose two words Muftahitin and claim for the title of your site and add them also the name of your site , Regarding topics , be sure to choose addresses her with one of your keywords , and also be sure to find a way to repeat the words tagged with two or three other posts. .

Internal links

Internal links of great importance in Sioux techniques , if I went back to the first paragraph of this post you 'll find that I included a link to an earlier online selling and is also noted that I included it here , follow the following way to build internal links in the subjects that you type into your site.

Suy and images

As for the pictures , you know that Google sends spiders to browse our sites and therefore archiving , following spiders can not see images that include them in your sites, the solution is to describe her, techniques Suy procedure you when listing for a specific image Put a description in the alternative text or in marking alt and an example <img src="pitbull_dog.jpg alt="pitbull" /> this subject is the way Google spiders will be able to understand the content of your picture and thus improve archived.

Reader Vs provided by Google spiders

There is a rule known at all, and can be applied even in the techniques of Suy a base 20 of 80, for example, I when I was writing this topic should Erdak you , dear reader , Ground Floor, Google Bot , if keen to satisfy 80 per cent will be a percentage of acceptance of the spiders are 20 percent , so it should be or balance between the two , so I have given you the subject of trivial , but it satisfies the other party , or vice versa , the same thing applies to you, I have to balance between the two even earn their love together, I think that the idea came ..

Also reported so far is only a small fraction - you know that Google's algorithms are very complex used for comparisons between sites and pages and to show the researcher the best results , it knows details The following algorithms are engineers who have written , or we Faisalna only a fraction of them, you also can find out more from the experience - you must combine both the following particulars mentioned until you reach the first rank .

If there are any questions Vtfdiloa in the comments ..


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