blogger capture بلوغر ستحذف المدونات الإباحية التي تروج لمواقع إباحية

Google sent an email to the blogging platform Blogger users warning them that their blogs will be deleted before the end of the month if you do not Ihzfo posts and links that promote pornographic sites external links or paid advertisements .

According to the policy content in Blogger , it allows users to publish photos and videos pornography and classified these blogs classifies particular answer the director Entries that puts them also are warning users who Sidkhaloa these codes , however, Google does not allow users to reap money through pornographic content in various ways such as selling links that point to foreign pornographic sites .

The message to indicate that the policy of the content in Blogger will be updated on the thirtieth of June to add restrictions on access to the profits from pornographic content . After this date , the new policy will apply to that delete any codes where pornographic content and advertising exposure to foreign pornographic sites .
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page badge blog 598x337 جوجل بلس تحتفل بعامها الثاني وتعلن عن مميزات جديده

Search giant Google celebrates the second day of Christmas to its Google Plus social network and to coincide with this occasion has launched several new features , including the Continue buttons and admiration (+1) new and site-specific badges pages and user files .
First let's talk about the button-up new which allows site visitors to follow your Google Plus Vtsamimha became similar to a large extent with the design of the site and improvements recently introduced and integrated with it as well as reduce the size of this button to become like the rest of other social networks knowing that the owner of the site will not need to do any modernization process , but the button will be updated as Tqaúah the next few weeks .
As for the badges for pages and personal files has been the launch of a new design that allows the user to control over his account with the allocation of theme and change colors to light or dark color and image control more with the possibility of cancellation cover image .
Google did not forget section index has been the launch of new badges are included sites to bring in new members through the web pages when the user clicks on this badge will be transferred directly to the forum in a separate window to act jointly .
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google news onebox قوقل تختبر عرض الصورة المصغرة بشكل أكبر في نتائج البحث

google news onebox big images قوقل تختبر عرض الصورة المصغرة بشكل أكبر في نتائج البحث

Google tests carried out on updated displays the image attached to more news sites during the search for them in the search engine.
The thumbnail image will appear for the first result in the search engine larger than before the attention of the user who is looking on the search engine and thus more attention - grabbing whether its interest - related and therefore this step will help to increase the number of visitors from the search engine.
And also noted that Google offers a link search results from its service news , but the search page traditional , where previously been subjected link to search for more news in the search engine news, is now offering links from search engine news to appear in the conventional engine without putting Link Find more news in the search engine .
These updates are monitored by the unofficial Google blog interested in pursuing Google News and monitor updates .
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adblockplus 512 300x300 جوجل تدفع لمطوري Adblock Plus حتى يسمحوا بظهور إعلاناتها

According to the latest reports published by the site German news " Horizonte " shows that Google paid to developers Service Hide ads the most popular globally "Adblock Plus" and so allow the emergence of advertisements in pop-up windows by bringing it to the white list "whitelist" a list that contains the various companies allowed to show their ads in the free version of the add - on .
He said the site " Horizonte " that it is not clear how much I paid Google to be included in this list , but aware of some well-known companies other did not disclose their names, although they sent several Alamalat for Google on this subject that it did not send to some extent this moment any comments about command.
It is noteworthy that add Adblock Plus now available on most browsers , including Firefox, Chrome and Opera to mention the browser Alontert and share that has been the release of its own late last month It is known that Google upset many of these added and others have made ​​some time ago by deleting most of the applications relevant to withhold ads from her shop including AdAway, Adfree, and AdBlock Plus has sent a collective message to all application developers telling them that they had violated the conditions .
But soon announced the Adblock Plus application developers announced the launch of an updated version of the application to the Android system can be downloaded from the official website of the application directly.
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recaptcha قوقل تطور الكابتشا لتكون أسهل على المستخدم البشري

Over the many years used CAPTCHA CAPTCHA to protect the sites from registration indiscriminate and reduce significantly the number of messages spam e- automatic , but with the great advances in artificial intelligence during the past few years has led to reduce the size of the gap between the user of the human and the possibilities of hardware and software systems in decoding distorting the text codes .
Hence , a team of researchers in the private reCAPTCHA Backlinks extensive studies and make adjustments and improvements to know better ways to protect users from hackers and indiscriminate attacks. As a result, reCAPTCHA has become the largest user 's ability to distinguish human systems and scripts .
This update reCAPTCHA uses advanced risk analysis techniques , which takes into account the behavior of the same user with CAPTCHA writing cases and the way his behavior during and after the interaction with the encoded text . This means that the CAPTCHA tests today tend to be more a tool known on user interaction rather than his choice to distinguish between robots and human user .
After all this Google launched an update on CAPTCHA creates different classes for different types of users , and this deal polymorphic allows the user to identify the most if the human person or a robot software and thus provide appropriate CAPTCHA over him .
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Of the most important reasons not to accept your Google AdSense account the following:


As we say in the threads previous that content is the main factor and the main profit in Adsense and also to accept your Badsns you will have to be content your blog or your site is contrary to the policies of Adsense which have been illustrated in the following topic: [ Lesson ] to identify the policies of Google AdSense before subscribing and also add to it must contain your site on quite a number of topics not not create a website or blog and Lessa New not be written any threads and go to Adsense and you request subscribe via your site , it has not been accepted never must contain your number Pass by the subjects at least 25-30 Multi addition do not copy threads from other sites and put them in your site and not the registration process have not been accepted because the process of copying and pasting Question of the policies of Adsense Fada very copy threads from other sites , but with the work of some of the necessary changes and not, as is found on other sites until they are accepted into the Adsense in addition, the quality of the threads in the possession of your site you should choose the useful topics and loved Adsense as an example of such sites or blogs that talk about the medicine they are sites wonderful and helpful , but stay away from forex and profit from the Internet and such topics because Google vanished salvation of such threads that do not benefit from near or from afar

 Design your site :

As we talked also in your topic policies that website design plays an important role in the acceptance of your site when you register in the world of Adsense you have to be your website design Hadi and light browsing and moved away from the designs flash and designs with many pictures and many colors design must be easy and light browsing , even when they browse your site for review for acceptance in Adsense find your site navigation light which facilitates the admissions process

 Contact address:

This is the majority takes place rejected for this reason takes place typing the address wrong way which leads to non-acceptance of your Adsense will put you to the correct way to write your address in the registry in Adsense First to you when you write your name in the registration process to be a quad and be the first character in each Name be Kaptl not the best Small and when you write your address to use Google Translate or any other translation site until it is properly write your address

And also the zip code of the area you live if you are not sure of the correct code you ask for in Google , or go to a branch office and ask for zip him because this will need him in the coffee process code that will be explained later

End: after refusing to do your necessary adjustments that are described in the process of registration times Also Baymel new or the same email and , God willing , the account is accepted and studied the next will be to explain the final acceptance in Adsense and create ads and start Profit
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Of Odsens laws as follows:

 Click on the ads :

It is intended so that when you place ads on your site and they should not press you to increase your profit in Adsense because this abuse is discovered by Adsense and Baada to the closure of your account Stay away from it. And also you invite your friends to put pressure on ads for the purpose of profit out of their way this is also an abuse and called keystrokes is legitimacy also Ptada to shut down your Adsense account must be a visitor clicking on the ad declared to visit our Web site and take advantage of it and not for the purpose of pressure only

 Put ads places :

You can choose places suitable for your situation for Advertising is not inappropriate places Evger allowed you to place ads in the pages without content for profit or just send a link advertising in e-mail or mislead the visitor status word download , for example , under which announced it is also contrary to the policies of Adsense or put ads in the holes compulsory or pop - ups , it is also contrary to the Adsense

 Webmaster Guidelines :

Evger allowed you to place ads on sites with many dead Taj words , it is also an abuse and away from the script and the exchange of the many links in sites

 Visits to your site :

Site visits and the way that comes through which visitors play a key role also in maintaining your risk of closing your account or deterioration results in the search engines Stay away from programs that some claim it will bring you visitors , as well as sites for the exchange of visits and walked away also send a URL via e-mail This Visits also is useful for your site , but the best way is through Google and other search engines

 Number of ads per page :

3 allows you to place ads for content + 3 ad links + 2 search engine on each page

 Site Content :

  Adult content :

In other words sites relations marital or section eXBii who exists in most of the Arab forums is contrary to the policies of Adsense as well as sites that contain pornographic images or pictures flattering , even if cartons are contrary to the policies of Adsense and also matrimonial sites are contrary to the policies of Adsense and lead to the closure of the account

  Threads or websites that contain copyright :

Evger allowed you to place ads on sites especially songs or movies or e - books , games or software they Question Adsense policies

 Hackers and penetration sites :

You are not allowed to place ads in special websites Balhecrz the penetration or from locations within the department divisions hacker and penetration , this is contrary to the policies of Adsense and locations Alhecrz and penetration is located underneath the sites that specializes in breaking codes or reference for some of the TV channels or the receiver , it is also an abuse


You are not allowed to put ads in the link has its sites on a brand like Google in the sense that you assumed the name of a global company added in the URL in other words , that my blog I can not put ads your Hahaha because the link Google
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