page badge blog 598x337 جوجل بلس تحتفل بعامها الثاني وتعلن عن مميزات جديده

Search giant Google celebrates the second day of Christmas to its Google Plus social network and to coincide with this occasion has launched several new features , including the Continue buttons and admiration (+1) new and site-specific badges pages and user files .
First let's talk about the button-up new which allows site visitors to follow your Google Plus Vtsamimha became similar to a large extent with the design of the site and improvements recently introduced and integrated with it as well as reduce the size of this button to become like the rest of other social networks knowing that the owner of the site will not need to do any modernization process , but the button will be updated as Tqaúah the next few weeks .
As for the badges for pages and personal files has been the launch of a new design that allows the user to control over his account with the allocation of theme and change colors to light or dark color and image control more with the possibility of cancellation cover image .
Google did not forget section index has been the launch of new badges are included sites to bring in new members through the web pages when the user clicks on this badge will be transferred directly to the forum in a separate window to act jointly .


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