blogger capture بلوغر ستحذف المدونات الإباحية التي تروج لمواقع إباحية

Google sent an email to the blogging platform Blogger users warning them that their blogs will be deleted before the end of the month if you do not Ihzfo posts and links that promote pornographic sites external links or paid advertisements .

According to the policy content in Blogger , it allows users to publish photos and videos pornography and classified these blogs classifies particular answer the director Entries that puts them also are warning users who Sidkhaloa these codes , however, Google does not allow users to reap money through pornographic content in various ways such as selling links that point to foreign pornographic sites .

The message to indicate that the policy of the content in Blogger will be updated on the thirtieth of June to add restrictions on access to the profits from pornographic content . After this date , the new policy will apply to that delete any codes where pornographic content and advertising exposure to foreign pornographic sites .


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