adblockplus 512 300x300 جوجل تدفع لمطوري Adblock Plus حتى يسمحوا بظهور إعلاناتها

According to the latest reports published by the site German news " Horizonte " shows that Google paid to developers Service Hide ads the most popular globally "Adblock Plus" and so allow the emergence of advertisements in pop-up windows by bringing it to the white list "whitelist" a list that contains the various companies allowed to show their ads in the free version of the add - on .
He said the site " Horizonte " that it is not clear how much I paid Google to be included in this list , but aware of some well-known companies other did not disclose their names, although they sent several Alamalat for Google on this subject that it did not send to some extent this moment any comments about command.
It is noteworthy that add Adblock Plus now available on most browsers , including Firefox, Chrome and Opera to mention the browser Alontert and share that has been the release of its own late last month It is known that Google upset many of these added and others have made ​​some time ago by deleting most of the applications relevant to withhold ads from her shop including AdAway, Adfree, and AdBlock Plus has sent a collective message to all application developers telling them that they had violated the conditions .
But soon announced the Adblock Plus application developers announced the launch of an updated version of the application to the Android system can be downloaded from the official website of the application directly.


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