Peace, mercy and blessings of God today we'll talk about how to create your site -for-profit world Adsense will speak first, if you do not own the site and will build a new site first, you have to put a target in front of you before the establishment of the site meaning Are you will be doing a site for profit it Badsns ? Or will you work site to increase the number of visitors coming to your site ? Here comes the answer you attention Balatnin the words First you take care of your site in the beginning until he comes to you much of what visitors consequent profit from the world of Adsense and here comes the hardest question how visitors come to my site? And how more prepared ?

  You must determine the competence of your site :

In other words you when you create a site to take care of first, what is هيكون jurisdiction of this site because you want to profit from it from Adsense then you should choose the jurisdiction of your site is a good first visitors and non- contender him by sites much sense not to go for not create a site specializing Forex or site specializes gold because such these sites there are many sites of competence in that a large sites and dBase Vsab competition by

 The language of the site that you will create :

Site Language operate a key factor in the increase in profit have Adsense Aftbaala the English and French is much better than in the Arab world profit from Adsense but if you wish to create the site in Arabic do not mind many فالمواقع in Arabic and Adsense ads and earn a good profit which month

 URL :

I mean this Website you will have to choose URL expresses the content of your words, do not , for example , establishment regard to the development of the sites you choose a title for your specialized programs , for example , you can choose your URL reflects the content of the site , which will put him

 Theme site :

Here is located the majority of beginners in the world of Generation sites they choose Style with many colors and has a flash and many pictures and this is a mistake you can choose Style be mild matching so as not to get tired visitor of your site and the weight of browsing and also spiders Google search you can choose Style light browsing and second point in this the idea lot also Baflha of a change Theme every day and deliberate, without reason and this is a big mistake When change Skin weaken your search engines have you stability on Theme from the start and not be changed except in certain circumstances

 Site Content :

This is the most important thing in the sites and This is what Hatertb upon your site's ranking and profit have Adsense place the yourself in the visitor first when you go to the site and find everything by new and copied to be you are going to put it in your favorite though Modatosh in Favorites Each ended will enter the site to see what New فالمحتوي most important thing try you put in your site's unique content unrefined when copying themes from other sites you have to re- drafted and change the


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