Google launches beta version of Chrome 30

Unknown | 6:45 AM |

This version targeting different platforms , including the system " Android " .

Announced "Google" for the launch of version 30 in its beta version of its web browser "Chrome " systems "Microsoft" and " Mac " and " Linux ", and mobile devices operating system its "Android" .

The company said the American publication to her, that this version brings many new features intended for developers "Applications Chrome" and the beta version of the browser " Chrome" system "Android" , such as interfaces software new API , in addition , have made the company the search process by the pictures easier .

The "Google" in the beta version of "Chrome 30" by giving users the ability to search for a specific image via the default search engine , so by clicking on the option prepared so when you click on the button to the right or by clicking prolonged on the image you want to search for.

I got the beta version of the browser " Chrome" system "Android" on a number of gestures new , such as the ability to switch between tabs by dragging horizontally on the top toolbar , and access to the status of switching between tabs known in the browser for the way drag vertically , and can also through the clouds on the menu icon that appears on the toolbar open, and select the item you want without lifting a finger on the screen.

Perhaps the most notable advantages oriented developers , which came by the new version of the browser system " Android " is to support WebGL technology that enables them to develop three-dimensional games for devices that have powerful graphics processors .

It should be noted that the launch of the beta version of " Chrome 30 " comes after nearly two days of the release of the final version of "Chrome 28", is also expected to release the final version of the "Chrome 30 " during the September / September .

It is noteworthy that " Chrome 28 " is available for download now , you can also download the new beta version of " Chrome 30".


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