Screen Shot 2013 10 23 at 12.55.39 قوقل بلس تتيح تعيين مدراء تواصل على صفحاتها

Announced Google today to managers channels YouTube and pages of Google Plus that they can add a degree of management is a new Communications Director Communication Manager , which entitles the owner to focus on publishing content and answer questions and communicate with followers while he can not add new directors and to edit and delete your personal files and as well as management sessions Hangouts.
The manager can communicate Publishing on Google Plus pages and respond to followers and can moderate comments and review notices and alerts and signals as well as the use of functions such as events and forums within the Google Plus network .
The manager can not communicate control Google Plus page itself Ktadelha and modify managers . The appointment of any person as continue on your Open Tab managers in the Google Plus Control Panel and select them.


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