Reasons not to accept your AdSense account

Unknown | 5:48 AM |
Our lesson today we will talk about the reasons for non-acceptance of your application in the registry in the world of Adsense us in the previous lesson about acceptance initial account and receive an acceptance initial account the link : [ fourth lesson ] acceptance of the initial AdSense and put ads , but there are some of us have not received this letter and sent him message to refuse a request to obtain the Adsense account and takes place write the reason for non - acceptance in this issue we will address the most important reasons for non-acceptance of your Adsense

 Of the most important reasons include:


As we say in the threads previous that content is the main factor and the main profit in Adsense and also to accept your Badsns you will have to be content your blog or your site is contrary to the policies of Adsense which have been illustrated in the following topic: [ Lesson ] to identify the policies of Google AdSense before subscribing and also add to it must contain your site on quite a number of topics not not create a website or blog and Lessa New not be written any threads and go to Adsense and you request subscribe via your site , it has not been accepted never must contain your number Pass by the subjects at least 25-30 Multi addition do not copy threads from other sites and put them in your site and not the registration process have not been accepted because the process of copying and pasting Question of the policies of Adsense Fada very copy threads from other sites , but with the work of some of the necessary changes and not, as is found on other sites until they are accepted into the Adsense in addition, the quality of the threads in the possession of your site you should choose the useful topics and loved Adsense as an example of such sites or blogs that talk about the medicine they are sites wonderful and helpful , but stay away from forex and profit from the Internet and such topics because Google vanished salvation of such threads that do not benefit from near or from afar

 Design your site :

As we talked also in your topic policies that website design plays an important role in the acceptance of your site when you register in the world of Adsense you have to be your website design Hadi and light browsing and moved away from the designs flash and designs with many pictures and many colors design must be easy and light browsing , even when they browse your site for review for acceptance in Adsense find your site navigation light which facilitates the admissions process


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