Launch technical needs more time to lack of gear is capable of supporting this technology .

This came in an interview for the " BBC " with the Vice President of the " Skype " with "Microsoft" , (Mark gilt ), on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the launch of the service, as reported gilt channel that laboratories " Skype " has been working for the development of a technology that allows a three-dimensional video calls depending on the capture and display devices provide this technology.

The company believes , according to the gilt , despite the availability of displays three-dimensional now , but there is still a lot of work must be dragged before getting devices allow video capture three-dimensional, so that access to multiple cameras can capture video three-dimensional calls direct , needs a lot of effort .

The Gilt for " BBC " that the " Skype " technical team is working on the development of this technology in their own laboratories , but they need to the Alatada system is able to support before putting the users.

In the article , "BBC ," Gilt said that " Skype " is looking forward in the near term to make a more specific improvements to the service, such as bringing video calls in full resolution ( 1080 pixels).

And later put technology capable of making video calls three-dimensional, the company indicated that there is still a long time , without giving a specific timetable for the launch.


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