
Today the error appeared a new mobile phone Nexus 5 in store Google Play Yes 's official phone as well as the price and apparently that the price of a mobile phone with a capacity of 16 GB will cost $ 349 U.S. The phone appeared by side Alniekss 7 version 2013 and Alniekss 10 and of course the phone's shape is not surprising where we saw Phone rumors are many, and already the phone will be factory by LG such as مافعلت with Alniekss 4 is expected to see the phone screen 4.95 inches and processor Snapdragon 800 at 2.3 GHz and supports networks fourth generation. of the image of the system shows an application Hangouts rather than be Palmatad application for messages this text is strange might see a merge between the two services ? Generally writers Cut or certainly Android 4.4 will be the first Android phone It Alniekss 5 and now we have to wait for the official announcement of the phone who knew him everything 


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