Executive Director of the lead site " Facebook " Mark Zakrberg , the list of the highest paid managers in North America , which is published by the research company " LG Mi Reitingz - " , with a salary of nearly $ 2.28 billion in the year 2012 .
This is the first time that the list includes "G Mi Reitingz " - which includes 2259 companies listed on the stock exchange managers are paid more than a billion dollars annually.
The second place went to Richard Kinder , director of the energy group " Kinder Morgan " with an annual salary of $ 1.12 billion .
In the third place , it came mi Carmazibn director of radio electronic " Sirius XM " with $ 255 million , followed by Gregory , who manages the group " Liberty Media " with $ 254 million , as well as management "Liberty Interactive " ( $ 136 million) . The fifth ranked Tim Cook , director of the "Apple" with $ 144 million .
The Greg Rowell values ​​of this list , " I have not seen in 10 years of publication of this Regulation big salaries to such a degree ," explaining that these huge amounts of money derived in the majority of the dividends recorded in the stock market .


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