Is the main menu for your site easy to use?

Unknown | 7:06 PM |

57b22b848126 هل القائمة الرئيسية لموقعك سهلة الاستخدام؟

Represents the main menu Navigation arm of the main moves user website and certainly is the map that navigates the user to reach the content required It is important to be usable in an easy and chain to move from one level to another , we will mention here are some points relating to the main menu :
It is natural that the main menu is fixed in one place and appear in all pages of the site and are usually at the top or right side ( of the Arab sites ).
You'd better not exceed the levels of all three levels at the visitor included in the molecules of the main menu .
Shorten sentences and clarity in the list so that the first level consists of two words at most words can be increased in the second and third level , but not up to be a long phrase .
Choose a clear line of font and background stand out and use text instead of images , and the fact that the use of texts on the picture format is incorrect method used in some websites .
The number of elements in the levels of the best that does not exceed seven elements and if this number exceeds preferably combined with each other or put a link to more or classified to become less and this is better .
In some locations in order to reach the second level of the menu you must press on the first level which is tiring for the user and better to the second level shows just by passing the cursor on the element in the first level , as well as applied to the second and third level .
When selecting an item from the second level or third to review the content preferably changes color element of the page or appears indicating to the user that at this level from the main menu to be served in two ways first user can refer to the list and choose the other item without returning to the same element , and the other is for visitors who pray directly to the inner page in order to determine the location of the main menu page .
Drop-down menus are sometimes difficult to use , especially to reach the third level and be in a game like labyrinths so that if the index came off the track list and disappear Some designers believe that creativity in the way of the emergence of these lists do not care about the method used .
The bottom of the site can be used to add the same menus or links important components of this depends on the specificity of each site .


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