Different websites on the Internet in their interest in minor details and the task at the same time, foremost of which is that a large percentage of visitors arriving by search engines and will be entering the first inside page on the site here is the problem , especially if this page does not reach a visiting guest to the home page easily or rather this page do not pull to the task and pages that meet the objectives of the basic site and publicly here to ask some obvious points that are supposed to contain all the pages of the site :
Highlighting the search rectangle and certainly enable it to facilitate visitor access to the most important content after arriving for the inner page for the first time .
A site logo and name and is often in the upper right for Arabic sites , and that this slogan capable of mortise and connected to the home page and in all pages of the site interior with the exception Home shall be logo without a link in order not to suggest that the internal page .
Main Menu that determine the way browse content is important to the site and are usually at the top or be on the right side ( of the Arab sites ) and the main menu is supposed to appear in all pages of the site.
Within the main menu or within the upper links are usually add a special link to the main page that shows all the pages of the site may be useful but indispensable a lot to the fact that pressure on the logo arrive home page This behavior has become the Internet Mtsahfa .
Sometimes added links relevant to the content page of the Interior and these links serve in the survival of the visitor who arrived coincidence of the page to complete the internal matching up to other pages.
The existence of so-called " bread crumbs ," a term indicating the path of titles that connects to the inner page and is usually at the top of the content and have links to a text of the pages that are at the top level and this feature locate visitor exactly within the site map and give a direct message that he arrived to an inside page and enable Back to Top tracks easily.
All of these points mentioned axioms simple, but we hope to be given some importance because we miss her sometimes in locations programmed locally and be present in the ready - made ​​scripts and content management software large .


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