Uses parties Almtnazaaan in Syria Internet electronic attacks mutual

Was the official accounts of the Syrian mobile telecommunications company " Syriatel " on the each of the social media networks Facebook and Twitter to penetration by unknown assailants loyal to the revolution against the regime of Syrian President Bashar al - Assad .

He has hackers change the main image of both pages and put in place by the picture that represents science Independence Syrian , and have published expressions of anti- system , with a focus on publishing video clips and images that highlight the victims of the massacre of chemical weapons recent killed , according to estimates more than 1,400 people, mostly children .

In the first reaction from the company, has developed a message on the home page of its official acknowledged the infiltration and asked the participants not to send any information on any of the pages in order to ensure the protection breached their data "until further notice " .

The page has " Syriatel " on the Facebook more than 153 thousand fans while the company has an account on Twitter , which does not seem active about 2950 followers .

The company " Syriatel " one of the two companies Almchglten to mobile phone service in Syria, and the company is owned by businessman Rami Makhlouf, a cousin of the Syrian president. The company has about 55 % market share , shared with MTN .

It is noteworthy that both sides in Syria are using the Internet as an integral part of the parts of the conflict since the beginning of the outbreak of the revolution in 2011, where each party resorted to penetrate and piracy of pages and sites belonging to the other party as a kind of expansion of the dispute to the World Wide Web .


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