The company said the voice recognition feature will be through the camera platform.

The Web site quoted a specialist in everything related to video games for the Japanese company to feature voice recognition will take place through a camera that can be used with the platform " Playstation 4".

The spokesman said , " Sony Pictures Entertainment " in Europe , it confirms the fact that the camera " PlayStation " actually allow to identify the sound, adding that the company will publish more details on this soon.

And dissemination of site " Aoroujemr " video clip was posted on the site " YouTube " shows presentation which shows that the camera " PlayStation 4" feature supports voice recognition and face as well .

It is noteworthy that "Sony " I decided to put a camera with " Playstation 4 " separate and the price of 85 U.S. dollars, thus reduced the price of the podium to 543 U.S. dollars.

It should be noted that the platform "Xbox One , " which the company intends to America , "Microsoft " launch also comes with the support of the voice recognition feature , but the company has followed a strategy to sell the podium and the camera together for $ 668 .

And the launch date of " BlackBerry PlayStation 4 " , the company has been "Sony " has been revealed in the August 20 / August past during a press event held by the Company , in the exhibition "Gamescom" , which was held in the German city of Cologne , for it will launch in the U.S. first on November 15 next year, and then will be launched in European countries on 29 of the same month .


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