A few days ago ; and by chance, while testing some ideas to write about within the pages draft "How Tech" , I noticed a strange problem violate the rights of users of Facebook without their knowledge so, or more correctly , may be considered a violation of the rights of the user; fact that the management of Facebook does not consider as well !

This gap ; if we can call it that - help get the user 's personal image at full size even if the privacy of the picture is " I'm just " only me, where you can get a picture of any user had put his personal image is protected to prevent the rest of Facebook users strangers open them.

It's simple , just be pressure on the protected image of the user at length with pressure drag to the title bar of the browser with the user, and you 're going to get is the small size allowed to see him on the user page ( 160 x 160 ) or the so-called " mini- version " thumbnail.

is to delete s160x160 / from the URL and then press the button Inter, and thus get the full image that the user be lifted . In violation of user privacy , where you can get full - sized image without his permission , although it prevents the possibility of pressure on the picture to get them.

After I saw this I decided correspondent Facebook for reporting this problem ; that I thought it was a loophole in the beginning, after the correspondence I received a reply that the personal photos current permanent impressions of all, even if Facebook does not provide direct access to the image size large , and there is no restriction on image size, and asked me to read " Who can see the profile picture ."

At the beginning and during the reading quickly I thought that Facebook employee did not understand the destination of my words , but after confirmation the items listed on the site, I noticed that " the current profile picture can be for the public to see . You can change who can see impressive recordings or comments on the image " only ! No you can not change who can get the full size Picture within FaceBook Policy .

Most of us believe that if the privacy mode profile image as invisible " to him only" or " friends only", outsiders will not be able to watch the big accuracy . Expressly might not be important for a young man like me, but I noticed that most of the users of Facebook ; especially Arabs , wore portrait far they do not show details of the face and so on in their mini, and are used to develop privacy of its image so as not to be able to strangers enlarge and see the details of image clearly.

Therein lies the problem; , which as I mentioned , you may not consider you a problem for you , but some ignorant it may not wish to receive any other party in his own image at full size , the fact that it may cause some problems in certain cases, may reach the image to the hands of عابثين and get ominous problems .

Although Facebook was able to exonerate themselves within the pages have privacy , but I did not know - as well as most of the users of the site - that any stranger and not of my friends will be able to see the full Picture dimensions .

After further tests , I found that there is a case one can not be obtained on image size large , which in the case of the owner 's choosing "appropriate size " Scale to fit, so you can not then get a full size image , as well as another option may also fit , which is not to raise the large dimensions of the image from the start!

I know that there are applications and add - ons for browsers help it , a third-party applications not recognized by Facebook if they are the cause of the problem , but what I found software does not require any help. In any case , do you think that this problem may violate the rights of the user who chose to conceal his image in a specific category , but it can be obtained ? Or is it normal and does not need all this talk


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